Wallner 211003 60306

Oct 04, 2021



In 2021, moti­vat­ed by the trails and train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties there, Bex moved to Inner­lei­then, Scot­land. The move paid off — this past week­end, Bex took the top step on the EWS podi­um in Tweed Val­ley.

The home-court advan­tage and sup­port from the local crowd saw her take the win in three of the six stages, as well as the Pro stage, lead­ing to the biggest win of her career!

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Click through to the 2:44 mark to watch Bex slide down a slip­pery wet track to take the win on the Pro Stage!
In her own words:

Not too sure when it’s going to sink in, but wow, that was a spe­cial race week­end. I keep hav­ing to look at the podi­um pho­tos to check it was real!

Win­ning an EWS has been 6 years in the mak­ing and it was just so mint in every way, home soil, amaz­ing crowds, the final race of the sea­son, and hav­ing my fam­i­ly & friends here to wit­ness it, that’s a moment I won’t be for­get­ting any­time soon!

A huge thank you to every­one that has been part of my journey.”

Alto­geth­er, the Ibis Rac­ing Team has had an incred­i­ble sea­son. We took one over­all win, sec­ond place in the over­all team com­pe­ti­tion, and three indi­vid­ual podi­ums. We also had three rid­ers fin­ish in the top ten over­all, and earned four indi­vid­ual stage wins!

This was the final race of Robin Wallner’s pro­fes­sion­al EWS career. After 20-plus years of rac­ing, he is hap­py that he gets to end this chap­ter on his terms and is look­ing for­ward to spend­ing more time with his two young sons and part­ner.

Hap­pi­ly, he fin­ished the sea­son with an over­all rank­ing of 9th place, his best-ever result. This won’t be the end of Robin’s rela­tion­ship with Ibis, though! He will con­tin­ue being a part of the fam­i­ly as he takes on his new role as Team Man­ag­er for the Ibis Cycles EWS program.