Ibis Wheels & Rims

Durable, lightweight, affordable.


We Have Your Back

Our rims are backed by a life­time war­ran­ty. If it’s our fault, we’ll fix them. We also offer a low cost acci­dent replace­ment” pro­gram, just in case you dri­ve your bike into the garage…

Wheels details rim

Why Wide?

We’re big advo­cates for wide rims. In fact, we helped pio­neer the wide rim rev­o­lu­tion back in 2014. Those rims helped inspire the new crop of 2.4”-2.6” tires that are pop­u­lar today. Wide rims work because they allow the tire beads to sit fur­ther apart. That wider foot­print pro­vides bet­ter tire side­wall sup­port, which means you can run low­er air pres­sure. This improves your trac­tion, brak­ing con­trol, and also reduces rolling resis­tance over rough terrain.

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It's All in the Ride

We’ve part­nered with Stan’s No Tubes to license their patent­ed Bead Sock­et Tech­nol­o­gy (BST). This tech­nol­o­gy allows us to reduce the rim cross sec­tion height mak­ing our rims more com­pli­ant ver­ti­cal­ly. This not only improves ride qual­i­ty but helps dis­trib­ute impacts, giv­ing us EWS per­for­mance at trail weights. 

Rim extrusion blackbird send

Blackbird Send

The Black­bird Send Alu­minum rims are designed to elim­i­nate pinch flats and keep the tire sealed no mat­ter what you hit. We offer two ver­sions. The Send 1 and 2 rim share a unique hol­low box-sec­tion bead­wall that cre­ates a broad con­tact point with the tire, which is much stronger and does­n’t slice tire side­walls. The Burli­er ver­sion, the Send 2, adds a pair of ribs direct­ly beneath the bead seat to keep them round after even the hard­est hits.

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No Proprietary Parts

We build our wheels with read­i­ly avail­able parts, so you can source replace­ments wher­ev­er you go. By using stan­dard J‑bend spokes and exter­nal square nip­ples, we’ve also made our wheels easy to service.

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