Ibis Demo Tour


Dur­ing the Spring, Sum­mer and Fall, we oper­ate our demo fleet out of two big ol Mer­cedes Sprint­er vans, loaded to the gills with a nice selec­tion of Rip­mo, Exie and Rip­ley bikes. The sched­ules can be seen below, under­neath the the map. 

Stay tuned to this page for updates. Also, in the event of rain or if there’s been inclement weath­er around the time of the demo, we might elect to can­cel so we don’t trash your trails and our bikes. Be sure to check with the host­ing shop or on this page, we’ll announce it if we have to cancel.


Please come to the demo event pre­pared and ready to ride. We do not car­ry addi­tion­al hel­mets or rid­ing gear. We have flat and cli­p­less ped­als avail­able, but we rec­om­mend bring­ing your own. 


Remem­ber, many of our retail­ers have demos avail­able to ride any day. You can always look at our deal­er list­ing and see if there’s a deal­er with a demo near you. Even if there’s not one list­ed, it would­n’t hurt to give a call and see if they do have any demo bikes. 

The map above shows where we’re head­ed and when and remem­ber, it’s always chang­ing.

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Demo Tour

northern colorado mtb festival

Sep 23, 2023–Sep 24, 2023

We will be teamed up with ProVelo Bicycles at the festival. All demos will be first come first served. Please be courteous to others that want to demo a bike, rides are limited to two hours.

152 Lory Park Rd
Fort Collins
United States
