Dec 29, 2021

Pinkbike Val­ue Moun­tain Bike of the Year.

Ripley AF Wins!

We’re proud to announce that pinkbike has award­ed the Rip­ley AF their award for 2021 Val­ue Bike of The Year.” We could wax poet­ic about our unique com­bi­na­tion of sus­pen­sion per­for­mance (dw-link FTW), care­ful com­po­nent selec­tion, and geometry…..but we don’t have to. Here’s what PB had to say:

For 2021, Ibis released the fifth-gen­er­a­tion Rip­ley in alu­minum and with revised geom­e­try that makes it more capa­ble on chal­leng­ing ter­rain. Okay, $3,199 USD isn’t exact­ly a small amount of mon­ey, but you’re get­ting a Deo­re dri­ve­train and dw-link sus­pen­sion with impor­tant bits from Fox, where­as the car­bon Rip­ley starts at $5,099 USD with Deo­re and a Fox Fac­to­ry fork and shock. If you want just a frame, the car­bon ver­sion will set you back $3,199 USD, which is the same price as the entire alu­minum bike.“

Read the full review here!

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