
June 26-29, 2023

Migration #11


Ibis Migra­tion #11 is com­ing back to Oakridge Oregon.

Need more info about our 3 day glo­ri­ous loamy sin­gle­track extravaganza?

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Three days of guid­ed rid­ing on Oakridge’s leg­endary trails
  • Lov­ing­ly pre­pared break­fasts, lunch­es, din­ners and snacks (you won’t get hungry)
  • Real good bev­er­ages, we mean real­ly good!
  • Ibis Bikes avail­able to rent and demo (so you don’t have to trav­el with your bike)
  • Ibis Migra­tion T‑shirt (2023 art­work TBD)
  • Insu­lat­ed stain­less bev­er­age con­tain­er by Klean Kan­teen, fea­tur­ing Chris McNal­ly’s art
  • Stim­u­lat­ing evening con­ver­sa­tion and shared sto­ries (some of which are true)
  • Non rid­ers welcome

NOTE: Oakridge rid­ing is rea­son­ably chal­leng­ing.
If you are a begin­ner we rec­om­mend check­ing out our Men­do­ci­no Migra­tion in August


With only 20 spots avail­able in the 2023 Ibis Migra­tion in Oakridge Ore­gon, we decid­ed the most equi­table way for Ibisians to secure a spot was to have a lot­tery. We did it last year and it worked great.

The lot­tery was open for 5 days and is now closed. We will be inform­ing the win­ners via email. 


Come ride and hang out with Ibis own­ers, friends and fam­i­ly in the majes­tic fir forests sur­round­ing Oakridge Oregon.

Check out the recap of the 2022 Oakridge Migra­tion HERE.


This Migra­tion takes place at var­i­ous places around Oakridge. Accom­mo­da­tions will be a mix of tent, sprint­er or camper dwelling and we have a few indoor spots at the Hills Creek Hide­away, where we will base our activities. 

As per the norm in Oakridge, we will shut­tle out to the big rides. Don’t wor­ry, you’ll be tired at the end of the day even though most rides will result in an over­all loss of ele­va­tion. These are big rides for advanced riders. 


Mon­day June 26th to Thurs­day June 29th2023


Because Oakridge is one of our favorite places to ride. And the flow­ers should be peak­ing around then. And we had such a great time last year!


We’ve secured the Ibis demo fleet for rentals for the Migra­tion. Give us your info, show up, we’ll have a bike for you. Rental fee includ­ing fit, trans­porta­tion and the bike will be $200 and we are donat­ing half of the pro­ceeds to the a local trail group (TBD). Demo reser­va­tions will be allot­ted to the lot­tery win­ners on a first request­ed basis.


Some of us will camp (tent or Sprinter/​camper), some of us will stay in a very nice house. Below are a few pho­tos of the accom­mo­da­tion and camp­ing area. 

If you don’t want to camp, we have a few spots inside The Lodge at Hills Creek and at the Hills Creek Hide­away. This is a fan­cy B&B style expe­ri­ence. Note that you tent and sprint­er campers need to bring your own bed­ding (if that isn’t total­ly obvious).

A short walk from each camp spot is a show­er and toilet.


Cost for the com­plete Ibis Migra­tion pack­age depends on your accommodation

Sprint­er Dwellers: $850 per dweller

Tent Dwellers: $850 per dweller

Queen Room Dwellers $1100 per dweller dou­ble occupancy

Queen Room Dwellers $1600 per dweller sin­gle occupancy

Twin Room Dwellers: $1100 per dweller

Non-rid­ing Sprint­er or tent dwelling par­tic­i­pants: $650

Please leave the kids and dogs at home


Do I need to own an Ibis to par­tic­i­pate?
No, you don’t have to own an Ibis. We are accept­ing both cur­rent and future Ibisians into the mix.

Are kids invit­ed?
Please leave the kids and dogs home (with an adult of course).

How can I con­tact you with ques­tions?
Email migration@​ibiscycles.​com and we’ll do our best to shoot a response back with­in a day.