Mendo darken

August 17-20, 2023

Migration #12


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Need more info about our 4‑day glo­ri­ous loamy sin­gle­track extravaganza?

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Three days of guid­ed rid­ing on the red­wood mag­ic carpet
  • Lov­ing­ly pre­pared break­fasts, lunch­es, din­ners and snacks (you won’t get hungry)
  • Real good bev­er­ages, we mean real­ly good!
  • Three nights of accom­mo­da­tion in near­ly 100-year-old cab­ins built of redwood
  • Ibis Migra­tion T‑shirt (2023 art­work TBD)
  • Insu­lat­ed stain­less bev­er­age con­tain­er by Klean Kan­teen, fea­tur­ing Chris McNal­ly’s art
  • Stim­u­lat­ing camp­fire con­ver­sa­tion and shared sto­ries (some of which are true)
  • Yoga ses­sions with a real yoga instructor
  • Non­rid­ers welcome
"Come and join us for a rustic good time deep in California's coastal redwood forest"

Scot Nicol


Come ride and hang out with Ibis own­ers, friends and fam­i­ly among tow­er­ing redwoods.


The Ibis Migra­tion Men­do­ci­no takes place at the Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands, a near­ly 100-year-old camp deep in the majes­tic red­woods just a touch out­side of Men­do­ci­no California.


Thurs­day August 17th @ 5 PM to mid-day Sun­day August 20th, 2023. Show up Thurs­day night. Food and activ­i­ties start first thing Fri­day morn­ing (snag some din­ner in Booneville or in the town of Men­do­ci­no on your way up). Once again we have the camp until Sun­day after­noon, so we’ll be able to ride as much as we want. Break­fast and lunch are includ­ed Sunday.


Because the rid­ing is killer, the set­ting is beau­ti­ful, your cell phone won’t work, there’s no inter­net, almost no elec­tric­i­ty, and this is the birth­place of Ibis. Back in 1981, Ibis was found­ed by Scot Nicol right next to the Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands (there was no inter­net then either but he did have elec­tric­i­ty most of the time).


  • Extra Day-we now have all day Sun­day to ride, eat and frolic
  • Chef Rob Hunter cook­ing both Fri­day and Sat­ur­day nights, and maybe some lunches
  • Chef Phil Ben­der back by pop­u­lar demand for scrump­tious break­fast, cock­tails and snacks


Three days of glo­ri­ous loamy sin­gle­track rid­ing deep in the red­wood for­est of Mendocino.



We’ve secured the Ibis HQ based demo fleet for rentals for the Migra­tion. Give us your info, show up, we’ll have a bike for you. Rental fee includ­ing fit, trans­porta­tion and the bike will be $250 and we are donat­ing all the pro­ceeds to the Men­do­ci­no Coast Cyclists (the local heroes/​trailbuilders). Rental reser­va­tions will be avail­able on the reg­is­tra­tion page and are lim­it­ed and in high demand. Note: This vin­tage Ibis Tri­als bike is not part of the rental fleet. But if you want to rent it, we know a guy.

IMG 1209


In years past, we’ve had the Ibis West Coast demo fleet avail­able to reg­is­tered Migra­tors. We are still rebuild­ing our fleet after the pan­dem­ic, and don’t yet know if we’ll have a demo fleet avail­able for the Migra­tors. We will try to get some demos for all. Hi Kirk!


Cab­ins at the Wood­lands are sim­ple, rus­tic and beau­ti­ful, with lit­tle bal­conies and views of the for­est below you. The cab­ins have fire­places too. Note that you need to bring your own bed­ding.

There are 4 cots per cab­in. Each has a foam sleep­ing pad. Did we men­tion that the accom­mo­da­tions were rus­tic? Well they are, and you might con­sid­er bring­ing a bit more padding for the bed.

A short walk from each cab­in is a show­er and toi­let. You can look at the camp map here.[NEED LINK]

Note that we will be assign­ing you to a cab­in with oth­er peo­ple. If you want to con­trol your own des­tiny, there are options for a cab­in buy­out or a cou­ples buy­out. You can also tell us that you’d like to bunk with your friends, just tell us their name and we will very like­ly be able to accommodate.


If you’re a cou­ple and you pre­fer pri­va­cy in your own cab­in, we have a spe­cial cou­ples cab­in buy­out. Choose the cou­ples buy­out on our reg­is­tra­tion page.


Got 2 or three friends you want to be sure you can bunk with? We have an option to fill-a-cab­in’ where you get to deter­mine who you are shar­ing your accom­mo­da­tion with. You’ll save a touch if you choose this option and you have 4 people.


$1050 gets you in on all the action.

Non-rid­ing par­tic­i­pants: $800

Sprint­er Dwellers: $950 per dweller

Cou­ples cab­in buy out: $2500 gets 2 reg­is­tra­tions and your own cabin

Fill-a-cab­in $3400 for up to 4 people

Kids 6 – 12: $700

Kids 2 – 5 $500


Some of the biggest fun to be had at the Migra­tion is to help out in the kitchen. This can be food prep, bak­ing, dj’ing for the kitchen team, clean up or who knows what? It’s a con­vivial atmos­phere, the chefs are super nice (no yelling!). You will be assigned a shift, could be break­fast, lunch or din­ner. We will give you some shift options upon your arrival. You can look at the pho­tos in the 2019 Migra­tion report under Break­fast and Lunch” to see a few shots of kitchen duty. 

If you’re game, we’ll take $75 bucks off what­ev­er tick­et you purchase. 

To apply, send your culi­nary resumé to…just kid­ding. The only require­ments are good atti­tude and no whin­ing. And for some of you, get­ting up ear­ly to help with breakfast. 

Use the code Dish­Du­ty to sign up. 


Do I need to own an Ibis to participate? 

No, you don’t have to own an Ibis. We are accept­ing both cur­rent and future Ibisians into the mix. You will need to bring a bike though. 

Can I bring my e‑bike?

No, e‑bikes are not allowed in Jack­son Demon­stra­tion State For­est, where we will be riding.

What are the accom­mo­da­tions like?

Guests will be stay­ing in rus­tic red­wood cab­ins, all are on the Nation­al His­toric Reg­istry so it’s like sleep­ing in a muse­um. Cab­ins are sim­ple and beau­ti­ful, with bal­conies and views of the for­est below you. They have no elec­tric­i­ty and you won’t need to charge your cell phone, because there is no cov­er­age. Best to have your expec­ta­tions set on camp­ing, rather than a 5 star hotel.

Each cab­in has its own lit­tle fire­place and four sin­gle cots with thin foam mat­tress­es. You sup­ply your own bed­ding (twin sheets or a sleep­ing bag are best on the cots). It’s chilly and humid at night deep in the woods, think low 50’s. A short walk from each cab­in is a show­er and toi­let. Some adjoin one oth­er cab­in, oth­ers are stand-alone. Show­er rooms have electricity.

NOTE: If you’re com­ing with friends or fam­i­ly who you want to bunk with, let us know via email and we’ll put you guys in the same cab­in if possible.

Are kids invited?

Yes, rid­ers, hik­ers, hula hoop­ers and guests of all ages are wel­come! There are no spe­cif­ic kids activ­i­ties, but we have easy rides that kids can do. If your kid can ride 10 or so miles, we’ll have a ride for them. Kids under 12 will need to have a par­ent with them on the ride, and all chil­dren under 5 need to have a par­ent with them at all times.

How can I con­tact you with questions?

Email migration@​ibiscycles.​com and we’ll do our best to shoot a response back with­in a day. Once we set foot in the Wood­lands mid­day on Wednes­day August 16th though, we’ll be out of cell phone and email access (yay!)

Mendocino truck
The Ibis Migration Mendocino is all about the riding. And the food. And the camaraderie.